北科通識大二英文初級期末考作文 - 定義成功與失敗


此筆記用途在於台北科技大學英文初級期末考作文- 定義成功與失敗



  • How would you define success?
  • Do you have the same idea of success as your parents?
  • To what extent will your encourage your children to become successful?
  • Do you think failures can contribute to a person’s success?
  • Can you think of any famous people who encountered failure before success?


Define Success is more difficult than everything. My parents always say “have rich make you feel at ease.” My parents very poor when they young, so they hate poverty. In this case, I also think money is important in my life, no money no everything, but money isn’t everything.

Personally, money is important in my life, but it isn’t my life goal. My goal is I can do everything whatever I want. Since I was little, my parents always hard-working, never rest. Now, my parents are short-sightedness, When I make a decision and this decision can’t earn money, they against me this decision and they always say “what are you think about?”

I know they worry about me will be a Poor, but I get friendship. Good network can give you one chance. If I take the opportunity, maybe I will be success.

In my senior school life, My teacher wanted me to do something, like programming, run errands, then I shared school thing to my parents, they say run errands, programming doesn’t have any money, why do you do? School teacher should gave your money to encourage, but I thaught teacher gave me to learn chance, maybe teacher gave my chance in my future, maybe tomorrow, next month…

Once, my senior school teacher give me one chance! I told my teacher that I wanted to sign up Science Fair then my teacher offered to help me. I feel SURPRISED! Teacher can help me, so we practice and discussion from now to Science Fair day.

It is hard process, but my teacher don’t feel tired. He always hard-working with me. Meeting every day, improving every day.

Finally, We got 3th. I’m so happy cause I hug with my teacher. Tonight, I shared with my parents, then they say “This teacher is good teacher, Thanks my teacher.”

Sometimes, We don’t know, when the opportunity come? If the opportunity come, then I take the opportunity, maybe I will be success.
So, I don’t think my parents define success is the best, I think success is “I have the ability to help people, and people will help me”.


好久沒有寫作文了…,我的英文作文還是一樣的爛阿…,有很多詞彙我想要抽換成另外一個概念,但是我的英文單字量太少了,腦中都只有同個單字,例如:事情,我一直都只有想到 thing,英文應該還有其他單字可以用的…。

還有我不太擅長用 that、what…連接詞,在閱讀時我都會看得懂並且能夠理解,但是在英文寫作時我常常會苦惱,我興奮到抱起我的老師,這句話要怎麼講…,我想了將近快 10 分鐘,結果最後竟然用 cause…XD,應該可以用 so that,可是我沒有想到阿…可惡!




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